Yoga republic
She has specialized secondary education in trade sphere. She has worked in the field of healing about 21 years. She is a healer of the international category. She is a yoga republic of eastern medicine and national medicine and spiritual healing.
She is a spiritual healer and bioenergytherapeutist. He has worked in the field of healing about 12 years. He was a master of national medicine and spiritual healing. He is a spiritual healer and bioenergytherapeutist. He was awarded by medals and association certificates. In treatment he uses prays from Koran, bio-energetic, clairvoyance and national methods of treatment. He is a full member of Academy of national medicine and Cosmo energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
He is a full member of the International association of traditional and national medicine, psychologists and healers. He has worked in the field of healing about 31 year. He is a healer of the international category. He is a master of eastern medicine and national medicine and spiritual healing.
Association and courses “Chi kung”, practical psychology, “Fan-shuj”, yogas and numerologies in different schools. Association and courses of the SOU-DZHOK of therapy. She is a full member of International academy “Ecology”. She is a full member of the International association of traditional and national medicine, psychologists and healers. Духовный путь учителя Членство в Федерации. Место для Фестиваля Кундалини Йоги 2015 с высоты птичьего полета.
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